Sustainability is at the heart of everything we do. That’s why we are constantly investing and focusing our efforts on eliminating waste and pollution in our pursuit of a true circular economy.
We have already become one of the most environmentally friendly corrugated board manufacturers in the UK, but we understand sustainable development requires a constant and an evolving plan. We are proud to lead the way in sustainable investments across our manufacturing and broader business practises.
From investing in state-of-the-art machinery to reduce energy consumption, to the creation of our anaerobic digestion plant to supply all of our energy needs with sustainable biogas, we are prepared to make every change we can, no matter how big or small.
less energy than a traditional corrugator
At the centre of our operations is our Fosber 2.8m. Not only does it provide our employees with a clean, dust free and quiet working environment, thanks to its ‘eco enclosure’, it also consumes 40% less energy than a traditional corrugator.
better utilization of transport
Our responsibilities don’t end once our products leave our factory. Thanks to our state-of-the-art computerised conveyors.
renewable energy
Our Anaerobic Digester plant is a world-first in sheet feeding, supplying some of our electricity and heat with 100% renewable biogas to ensure we support our ambitions to be as carbon-neutral as possible.