CorrBoard Colleagues go Back to the Classroom



Date Added: 19.06.23

CorrBoard supports Big Bang project

Managing Director, Rob Burgin, and Electrical Engineer, Chester White headed back to the classroom when CorrBoard showed its support for the Big Bang at School project.

As part of a week-long schedule of STEM focused activities, Rob and Chester delivered two workshops to students aged between 11-19 at St Hugh’s School in Scunthorpe.

Creating an opportunity to deliver fun-filled activities that focus on science, technology, engineering and mathematics, the team challenged the students to work out how to make a box strong enough to stand on using only six sheets of cardboard. 

Giving the pupils a set time to complete the task, there were lots of suggestions put forward, with some proving more successful than others!

Rob comments: “We had so much fun with the students at St Hugh’s School. It was a great way to spark their imaginations and get them to think creatively about how to solve the problem. It was great to see the students using a practical task to learn and to have such a great time with their friends.

“We can absolutely see the value to businesses getting out and into the community. After all, these students are the talent of the future. They were a joy to be around, and we thank them all for making our day so enjoyable.”

Rachel Brunt, Careers Lead from St Hugh’s School, comments: “What a week! We can’t thank CorrBoard enough for coming along and taking part in our Big Bang at Schools activities. The feedback from the students was fantastic, they had a great time.

“Delivering engaging workshops and activities that will inspire the students and give them an exciting day to remember is so important to their lifelong learning here at St Hugh’s. Our young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities have so much to offer the workplace and we very much value employers who are willing to come and work with us.

“We are really looking forward to welcoming the team from CorrBoard back again soon!”